I’ve been asked to join facebook so often in the last weeks/months, I’m very happy to have a facebook that is not facebook now. I’m sure I’ll find out what Google+ actually is in time, but for now, it primarily is something that is not …
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Applied Accounting: Managing Money (Inheritance)
Learning about accounting is best done by looking at various actual applications. Based on last week’s post, we’ll look here at a case that is not about managing your personal finances, but about managing finances for different parties with a lot of interconnections.
The example here is from an actual use case (names and numbers adjusted), and not made up. It might be a bit more complicated than what you usually would come across, but not exceptionally so.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Review: Lorettas letzter Vorhang.

Lorettas letzter Vorhang. by Petra Oelker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ein wunderschöner Krimi im Hamburg des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Komödiantin Rosina ist gerade erst wenige Wochen am Theater am Gänsemarkt angestellt, als ihre beste Freundin ermordet wird. Eine überraschende Geschichte mit viel Charme. Petra Oelker schafft es, den Leser in das Hamburg dieser Zeit zu versetzen und verdirbt die Atmospähre nicht mit zu vielen neuzeitlichen Moral- und Ethikvorstellungen.
Dies war mein Einstieg in die Rosina-Reihe, und ich werde mit Sicherheit mehr davon lesen.
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Review: The Ritual

The Ritual by Adam Nevill
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
If you ever want to explain to someone how word count requirements can ruin stories, give them this book. It starts out like any random horror / thriller. A group of people get lost in a big forest and get hunted by something that might very well be their imagination. It's a good read, and I enjoyed it a lot, even though it was a bit of a generic plot. But then the story finishes and all would be good, except the author apparently had a word count requirement, so he finished the book. I won't spoil it to you, but needless to say, it gets really, really horrible after that. Would get three or four stars for the first part, and one star for the second, so two stars for this disappointment.
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Sunday, January 15, 2012
Accounting: The Arcane Art
It’s like a story from Lovecraft: Accounting. The mere utterance of the word can scare people. Many simply do not wish to hear. Like a witch, the accountant is feared for her knowledge and excluded from society. So what the hell is this about? And, why would you care?
Accounting is the art of keeping track of what you do with your money. The primary purposes being to figure out whether your finances are doing ok, and if not, where to start improving. That’s why you care. The reason why people usually cower in fear when the Words are used is because the whole thing is so old that a lot of the words and general habits used are so antiquated as to be confusing. I’ll try to explain this in a way that makes more sense. Well, it does make sense to me, let’s hope it does for you, too.