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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Elpy 1.4.0 Released

I just released version 1.4.0 of Elpy, the Emacs Python Development Environment.

Elpy is an Emacs package to bring powerful Python editing to Emacs. It combines a number of other packages, both written in Emacs Lisp as well as Python.

Quick Installation

Evaluate this:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("elpy" .

Then run M-x package-install RET elpy RET.

Finally, run the following (and add them to your .emacs):


Changes in 1.4.0

  • Elpy has moved to its own ELPA. Make sure to update your package-archives (as described above).
  • For a file in a Projectile-managed project is opened, Elpy will now use Projectile’s project root.
  • When the user has set a valid python-check-command, elpy will now refrain from overriding it.
  • On Windows, elpy is now using the pythonw.exe interpreter for the RPC process, as that seems to be causing fewer issues.
  • And various smaller bugfixes.