I just released version 1.2.1 of Elpy, the Emacs Python Development Environment. This is a bugfix release addressing a few issues found in the 1.2 release.
Elpy is an Emacs package to bring powerful Python editing to Emacs. It combines a number of other packages, both written in Emacs Lisp as well as Python.
Quick Installation
Evaluate this:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" .
Then run M-x package-install RET elpy RET
Finally, run the following (and add them to your .emacs
Changes in 1.2.1
- The refactoring was not ported to the new asynchronous API, resulting in an error when refactoring was attempted.
- The project root now always returns a directory. Too many parts of elpy relies on this. If the project root turns out to be your home directory, elpy will warn you about it.
- Elpy now works correctly with Emacs 24.2. There were some compatibility functions missing.
- Blocking RPC calls now do not block for one second even if there is process output.