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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Circe 2.1 released

We just released version 2.1 of Circe, a Client for IRC in Emacs.

The package is available from github, MELPA stable and MELPA unstable. The latter will track further development changes, so use at your own risk.


  • New option: circe-inhibit-nick-highlight-function – this allows you to disable nick highlighting in some messages.
  • New extension: circe-new-day-notifier.el – show date changes in chat buffers. (Thanks to Pásztor János!)
  • Improve Bitlbee support by adding a default port (6667) and disabling lagmon if it is used.
  • Improved buttonizing of various references, like PEP links or Emacs debbugs references.
  • Fix a bug that would confuse Emacs with lots of nil faces
  • Lots of other bug fixes.

Thanks to Chunyang Xu, Pásztor János, Riccardo Murri and Vasilij Schneidermann for their contributions!